7 things about me that have almost nothing to do with advertising

In 1983, I got a slap on the butt. I don't remember why.

In 1989, I lost 6 baby teeth in one fell swoop while running because I overlooked a metal wire, which stupidly separated parking spaces stretched out at toddler mouth height.

In 2001, I broke my first cell phone. I was fixed motionless 20 meters upside down in the "Flying Carpet" ride.The cell phone in my jacket was not.

In 2011, I did what anyone should do who thinks Berlin is the center of the world:
I lived in New York for 3 months.

In 2014, I exhibited my art, which was created alongside all the copywriting and consisted of collages, a New York-Berlin photo project and a 1 meter high Becks beer bottle sculpture.

From 2017 to 2020, I went where billions of people have a desire for the future. To Asia.

In 2023, I really wanted to share my experiences of copywriting. And I did it here: www.der-textcoach.de

Art partner I like to work with

Let's make some cool stuff


+49 179 469 1510